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Scalable Vector Graphics  

Literature and print articles
These lists are in chronological order, so in the bottom you will
find the most recent publications.

Literature + Press 

Latest update: 06.01.2007 
These books are available, now or very soon (information from January 2007):
 Das Einsteigerseminar SVG, Webgrafiken mit XML
 by Helma Spona (vmi-Buch - 18. September 2001)
 Price: 9,95 Euro (ISBN: 3826671813)

 SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
 by Marcel Salathé (Markt+Technik - 8. October 2001)
 Price: 29,95 Euro (ISBN: 3827261880)

 SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
 by Iris Fibinger (Markt+Technik - 29. April 2002)
 Price: 49,95 Euro (ISBN: 3-8272-6239-9)

 SVG. Scalable Vector Graphics
 by Alexander Adam (Franzis - 7. October 2002)
 Price: 49,95 Euro (ISBN: 3772361900)

 Interaktive SVG-Lerneinheit
by Timon Zuelsdorf (Diplomica - October 2003)
Price: 148,- Euro (ISBN: 3832471030)
For 49,90 Euro you can download the PDF version.

 SVG Reporting
 by Herbert Bader (Software & Support Verlag - January 2004)
 Price: 36,90 Euro (ISBN: 3-935042-43-4)
 Here the website for the book.

 Visualisieren von Geodaten mit SVG im Internet
Band 1: Scalable Vector Graphics - Einführung, clientseitige Interaktionen u. Dynamik
by Nicole Ueberschär + André M. Winter (Herbert Wichmann Verlag - 23. February 2006)
Price: 45,- Euro (ISBN: 3-87907-431-3)
Here the website for the book.

An English translation will be available in February 2007! Details see below.
 Scalable Vector Graphics SVG 1.0 Specification
 by Jon Ferraiolo (Paperback - December 2000)
 OUT OF PRINT (ISBN: 0595136931)
 (The specification of 4. September 2001 can, however, be viewed and downloaded here.)

 Designing SVG Web Graphics:
 Visual Components for Graphics in the Internet Age
 by Andrew H. Watt (New Riders Pub - 10. September 2001)
 US-price: about 45 US-Dollar (ISBN: 0735711666)
 (You can download a sample chapter from the editor's site)

 Sams Teach Yourself SVG in 24 Hours
 by Micah Lakker (Sams - 28. February 2002)
 Price: 37,62 Euro (ISBN: 0672322900)
 Here the website for the book!

 SVG Essentials
 by J. David Eisenberg (O'Reilly - February 2002)
 Price: 41,36 Euro (ISBN: 0596002238)
 (here you can download a sample chapter)

 SVG Programming
 by Kurt Cagle (Apress - 3. July 2002)
 Price: about 54 Euro (ISBN: 1590590198)
 Here the website for the book!

 SVG For Designers
 Using Scalable Vector Graphics in Next-Generation Web Sites
 by Kate Binder, Bill Trippe (McGraw-Hill - 21. August 2002)
 Price: about 30 US-Dollar (ISBN: 0072225297)

 SVG Unleashed
 by Chris Lilley, Andrew Watt (Sams - 30. September 2002)
 Price: 49,99 Dollar (ISBN: 0672324296)

 Developing SVG-based Web Applications
 by Lorien House, Ellen Pearlman (Prentice Hall PTR - 20. December 2002)
 Price: 39,99 US-Dollar (ISBN: 0131004999)

 SVG for Web Designers
 by Jason Cranford Teague, Marc Campbell (John Wiley & Sons - 29. May 2003)
 Price: 40 Euro (ISBN: 0764525727)

 Learn SVG
 by Jon Frost, Stefan Goessner and Michel Hirtzler (June 2003)
 Price: 40 US-Dollar (ISBN: 097417730X)
 This book is also available as eBook and in French (!) on CD-ROM (15 US-Dollar)

 Fundamentals of SVG Programming: Concepts to Source Code
by Oswald Campesato (Charles River Media - 15. October 2003)
Price: 49,95 US-Dollar (ISBN: 1584502983)
Also see the editor's website. In the bottom of that page you find a download link for many
highly impressive SVG files from that book!

 Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D:
XML Based Technologies for the XML Based Web
by Vladimir Geroimenko, Chaomei Chen (Springer-Verlag UK - November 2004)
Price: 49,50 Pound Sterling (ISBN: 1852337907)

 Online Mapping with SVG:
Scalable Vector Graphics - Introduction (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and
by André M. Winter, Nicole Überschär (Springer-Verlag Berlin - February 2007)
Price: 139,00 US Dollar (ISBN-13: 978-3540367321)

 The publication of
 "SVG and PHP Data Visualization on the Web"
 by Jacek Artymiak
 has been postponed unfortunately :-(


 Print articles
I have listed only longer articles and they are only from German language magazines
and newspapers. Sorry.
I bought and listed these sources in order to show the history of press coverage
of SVG. However, since summer 2003 I make a very strong selection and perhaps
I even will - at some point - stop feeding this list.

By the way, I first heard about SVG in January 2001 in one of these listed articles.
I will never forget that feeling: "Wow! Brave new world!"
I was so excited. Actually, I still am.

Computer magazines:
 Internet Professionell, no. 4, 2000, page 105, author: Holger Reibold
 "Grafiken mit XML - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)"
 PAGE, no. 4, 2000, pages 88-90, author: Markus Linden
 "Lebende Vektoren"
 iX, no. 11, 2000, pages 148 ff., authors: Jürgen Krüger, Christian Märtin
 "Dehnbare Formate - SVG und VML: XML-Alternativen für dynamische Webgrafiken"
 Internet Professionell, no. 1, 2001, pages 96 ff., author: Stefan D'Amore
 "Vektorgeplänkel - Vorzüge von SVG-Grafiken"
 PC Professionell, no. 2, 2001, pages 186 ff., author: Jürgen Heyer
 "SVG - Grafik für das Web"
 Internet Professionell, no. 5, 2001, pages 60 ff., author: Holger Reibold
 "Für alle Fälle XML"
 Internet World, no. 11, 2001, pages 62 ff., author: Robert Seetzen
 "Starker Auftritt - Grafikstandard SVG"
 Internet World, no. 2, 2002, pages 78-79, author: Frank Puscher
 "SVG fürs Business - Diagramme in SVG"
 c't, 8. April 2002 (no. 8), page 74, author: Andrea Trinkwalder
 "Stapellauf - Vektorgrafik fürs Internet: WebDraw 1.0"
 XML & Web Services Magazin, no. 1 (15.05.2002), three articles:
 - "XML in Farbe! - Der Grafikstandard SVG: Beschreibung von Grafikdaten mit XML",
   pages 67-71, author: Manfred Knobloch
 - "Schöne Schalter - Schaltelemente definieren mit SVG",
   pages 72-74, author: Manfred Knobloch
 - "Mobile Bilder - MobileSVG - komplexe vektorbasierte Grafiken für mobile Endgeräte"
   pages 75-77, author: Volkmar Großwendt
 Internet Professionell, no. 7, 2002, pages 77-79, author: Thomas Meinike
 "Grafik-Tagwerk - Statische und dynamische SVG-Grafiken erstellen"
 XML & Web Services Magazin, no. 2 (02.09.2002), author: Thomas Meinike
 "Technologie-Mix - MSpec::SVG - Generierung von Massenspektren im SVG-Format"
 Linux Enterprise, no. 10, 2002 (11.09.2002), pages 76 ff.
 "Schichtwechsel - SVG: Skalierbare Vektorgrapik mit XML",
 incl. an interview with Tobias Reif "Ruby und SVG sind Spaß pur"
 c't, 23. September 2002, no. 20, pages 218-225
 authors: Andreas Neumann, Peter Sykora, Andreas Winter
 "Das Web auf neuen Pfaden - SVG und SMIL: Grafik und Animation fürs Web"
 iX, no. 12, 2002 (14.11.2002), three articles:
 - "Schön viel Grafik - Grundlagen skalierbarer Grafik"
   pages 52-59, author: Henning Behme
 - "Bildlich gesprochen - SVG: Viewer und Editoren"
   pages 60-67, author: Stefan Schumacher
 - "MEHR KBYTES - Buchmarkt - SVG"
   page 146, author: Henning Behme
 com!online, no. 1, 2003, pages 82,87,88, author: Andreas Dumont
 "Brillante Zwerge - Grafiken mit WebDraw gestalten"
 iX, no. 1, 2003 (12.12.2002), pages 128-133, author: Henning Behme
 "Frisch gestrichen", SVG-Tutorial Teil 2: Filter und Animationen
 MACup, no. 2, 2003 (02.01.2003), pages 90-93, author: Petra Kukofka
 "Getextete Bilder - Scalable Vector Graphics"
 dot.net magazin, no. 1, 2003 (08.01.2003), pages 98-101, author: Christian Wenz
 "Vektorgrafik .NET - SVG für .NET mit dem Open Source-Projekt SVG#"
 iX, no. 2, 2003 (16.01.2003), pages 130-134, author: Henning Behme
 "Mehr als 1000 Worte", SVG-Tutorial Teil 3: Scripting und Datenbankauswertung
 PHP Magazin, no. 2/2003 (30.01.2003), p. 65-70, a: Tobias Hauser, Christian Wenz
 "XML-Vektoren - Mit SVG und PHP Vektorgrafiken und -Animationen programmieren"
 Computerwoche, 21.02.2003, page 22, authors: Jochen Schäfer, Olaf Maaß
 "SVG - Grafiken für Business-Anwendungen - Einfache Visualisierung von XML-Dateien"
 Internet Professionell, no. 6/2003 (12.05.2003), p. 72-75, author: Thomas Meinike
 "Mobile Vektoren - Animationen und Effekte mit SVG"
 Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16.10.2001, author: Ulrich Pontes
 "Ausbruch aus dem Raster"
 NZZ, 08.03.2002, authors: Tobias Dahinden, Martin Galanda, Andreas Neumann
 "Entwicklungsschub für Grafiken im Web"
 Tagesanzeiger, June 2002, author: Roger Zedi
 "Mehr als blosse Pixel", Interview with W3C's Chris Lilley
 (online-version is slightly shortened)

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