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Scalable Vector Graphics  

News and dates
 News from the SVG world
 News about this site

News and dates 

Latest update: 05.01.2007 
 September 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Conference: SVG Open 2007

 16.-19. October 2006, Victoria, Canada
Conference: SVG Open 2006 CANCELLED!!!

 11.-12. May 2006, Zurich, Switzerland
Workshop: SVG European Workshop 2006
Organised by RO IT Systems GmbH and Dotuscomus
Also see the announcement in this PDF file.

 20.-24. March 2006, Berlin, Germany
Workshop: Internet Cartography with SVG (German)
Technische Fachhochschule Berlin

 15.-18. August 2005, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference: SVG Open 2005
Here are my pictures.

 14.-18. February 2005, Berlin, Germany
Workshop: Internet Cartography with SVG (German)
Technische Fachhochschule Berlin

 7.-10. September 2004, Tokyo, Japan
 Conference: SVG Open
Blogs by: Kurt Cagle, Jim Ley

 15.-19. March 2004, Berlin, Germany
Workshop: Internet Cartography with SVG (German)
 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin
 13.-19. July 2003, Vancouver, Canada
Conference: SVG Open
Blogs by: Michael Bierman, Jim Ley
See some pictures here.
 20.-24. May 2003, Budapest, Hungary
 Conference: The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference
 On 20. May there will be two tutorials on SVG and
 on 24. May SVG will be a topic on Developers Day.
 5.-8. May 2003, London, England
 Conference: XML Europe 2003
 6. May:
 - WebCGM or SVG for Technical Graphics? (Lofton Henderson, Dieter Weidenbrück)
 - SVG - Where Are We Now? (Antoine Quint)
 - Using SVG to Create Compelling User Interfaces for Web Services (Vincent Hardy)
 8. May: SVG Support in RenderX XEP XSL Formatting Objects Renderer (David Tolpin)
 20.-21. March 2003, Hamburg, Germany
 Conference: Conference (OOoCon 2003)
 20. March: Automated Format Transformation for Courseware (Lutz Finsterle)
 This presentation showed a way to get over those little problems with the
 SVG-export of OpenOffice files (slide-show as PDF-file).
 12.-14. February 2003, Paris, France
 Conference: SMIL Europe 2003
 There will, of course, be some events concerning SVG, too.
 15.-17. July 2002, Zurich, Switzerland
 Conference: SVG Open
 Conference on interactive vectorbased webmapping, Online GIS and
 cartography on the internet. SVG Open is a carto:net project.
 19.-24. May 2002, Barcelona, Spain
 Conference: XML Europe 2002
 21. May: Mobile SVG, SVG animation, interaction with SVG
 7.-11. May 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii
 Conference: WWW2002
 amongst others:
 7. May: tutorial on SVG
 9. May: lectures on SVG 1.1, SMIL 2.0, Mobile SVG
 21. March 2002, Oxford, England
 Workshop: Scalable Vector Graphics – A Hands-on Introduction

 News from the SVG world
 16. March 2005:
The beta version of the browser Opera 8 offers native support of SVG Tiny 1.1!
What gorgeous news! *cheering*
OK, it is only SVG Tiny for now, a subset of SVG. Also, it does not yet work with in
HTML files embedded SVGs.
Still: It is a big step!
So Opera is first and has even overhauled Mozilla/Firefox in this regard.
However, the work on native support in Mozilla/Firefox is continuing, too, so I do hope
that we will soon get to hear some more good news like this.
 5. December 2003:
 Arrived back home from my journey to London. On 24. November I participated in
 the 1. London SVG Users Group meeting. Me included there were only five people,
 but it was very nice to have met you guys. See some pictures here.
 7. October 2003:
Good news again: The free image manipulation software GIMP (Linux, Windows)
will, with version 1.3.21, allow both import from and export to SVG!
While Linux users now can party, because another amazing piece of software is offering
SVG support, the Windows users will find a further reason to take a look at this very
capable and free alternative to Photoshop.
 12. July 2003:
Today Adobe announced the preview release of Adobe SVG Viewer 6!
It works, for now, only on Windows, but has many new features,
too many to mention in a quick note like this.
My first check was: Does it work in Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.1?
It does! What a day!

If it will also work with the final version of ASV 6 (probably beginning of
next year), there will be absolutely no reason left to use Internet Explorer.

 6. June 2003:
 The Federal Statistical Office of Germany uses SVG on the official website!
 Take a look at their very impressive, interactive population pyramid.
 A few days ago, a similar pyramid for England and Wales was published here.
 30. March 2003:
 The free vector-based drawing program Sodipodi, which before was only known to
 the Linux world and which has SVG as native format, is also available for Windows
 since February!!! The most recent version 0.31 is already very promising!
 21. February 2003:
 Finally: Today I noticed that one of my favourite computer bookshops
 has established an extra shelf for SVG :-)
 14. August 2002:
 Yippee: since the day before yesterday there is a new SVG channel on IRC-chat,
 at Name of channel: #svg
 Here a list of servers.
 23. July 2002:
 Arrived back home from the SVG-conference in Zurich. You will find a very good
 German language report on the conference by Roger Fischer (Bitflux) here.
 26. March 2002:
 Since today you can add an SVG reference to the sidebar of Mozilla and
 Netscape 6.
 March 2002:
 In a few month, possibly with version 3.1 of KDE, there will be KSVG,
 a plugin for the KDE browser Konqueror.
 30. November 2001:
 Adobe announces that SVG Viewer 3.0 beta is now also available for
 the operating systems RedHat Linux 7.1 and Solaris 8.
 Only restriction yet right now: it only works with Mozilla.
 You will get these yet "unsupported versions" here.
This is only a tiny (and rather personal) selection of news.
You will find a much more comprehensive list of news at the W3C.
 News about this site
 19. December 2005:
I have created an animated Christmas card.
I wish all readers wonderful holidays and a happy new year!
 14. March 2004:
Now there is an extra page on mobile SVG.
 4. July 2003:
 Today I finally finished this site's complete translation to English.
 There also is a completely new design for the English pages.
 Finally got this work done *sigh*
 16. March 2003:
 It is not easter yet, but the game has already been finished:
 Find five coloured easter eggs made with SVG (and a little JavaScript). Have fun!
 16. February 2003:
 I wrote a test report on "Vector Eye", the commercial follow-up program of the free
 raster-to-SVG-converter CR2V.
 27. January 2003:
 Now there is a friendly, animated genie in a bottle. Make a wish ;-)
 10. November 2002:
 I wrote a tutorial on SVG gradients.
 26. August 2002:
 The SVG version of an older version of the page on literature now has
 a hierarchical menue with a mouseover-effect.
 This time again, no JavaScript is involved :-)
 18. August 2002:
 New SVG file: a banner ad, in and for SVG.
 4. August 2002:
 New SVG file: a very simple click game (Dalli-Click), an example for
 interactivity in SVG files without any additional scripting.
 6. July 2002:
 The poll on SVG is ready.
 For the dynamically generated result I combinded PHP with SVG.
 There also is a tutorial here.
 7. May 2002:
 New SVG file, a simple tennis game with stereo sound, made using SVG and JavaScript.
 It wasn't made by me but by Stephen De Gabrielle, who - at this time - cannot show
 SVG files on his site. This is why you find the game here, at least for a while.
 15. April 2002:
 From today on exhausted people can relax for two minutes in an SVG oasis.
 Go and have a break.
 This file is pure SVG, no bitmaps and no scripting.

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